Thursday, February 9, 2012

Long week

So I have started a blog and not posted anything during the past week or so, the reason behind this is we have been running a range for the past week on the airfield, but it has not been to bad, it is actually kind of fun.  Starting in a few days I will hopefully be posting more about my journey into PERL land and such till then nothing for now.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Intro and starting out with PERL

     Alright, so a small intro is in order I am just a regular guy who got bored one day and decided to do something new, though I must note that I tend to do that a lot and am extremely curious and always interested in doing new things, these range from A to Z just because I could learn them I did.  When I joined the Army I did so to learn a new job and learned to become an Air Traffic Controller certified and many other new things.  I will probably refer to, and other DIY sites where I go to learn new things a lot.  Knowledge is power and meant to be shared, which is my personal life motto.

     So, I have decided to learn a programming language and after a bit of internal debate lasting a good 2 weeks, I have finally settled on PERL, supposedly one of the easiest languages to learn.  With this in mind I will be chronicling my progress through the steps of learning said language and implementing it.

     The first thing I started out was with going and doing some more research after my preliminary look around, which included getting a few e-books on PERL as well as going to the site to get more information and documentation on the subject.

     Before starting though I had to check if I had PERL installed already or not, so I pulled up my command prompt and typed in PERL -v  if it is installed you will get back several response line in the command prompt if not you will just get an error.  In the case of PERL not being installed one of the first things was to set up Strawberry PERL, which is a simple IDE (interactive development environment) for PERL.  After it was installed using the cmd prompt I typed cpan App::cpanminus, this installs a module into PERL that helps you get extensions for PERL easily.

Most of this info can be found at for free with great documentation, it does baby steps which is great for all beginners.